The Interior Architect of the Year 2016 Petra Majantie

Cafeteria IPI Petra Majantie

Petra Majantie is an interior architect with a long professional career. She is known for her rational and ingenious style. As an interior architect, she pays close attention to the special features of the immediate environment. Majantie (born 1965) was awarded in 2016 for the design of the IPI Kulmakuppila café. Her task for IPI was to design a unique café space especially aimed at employing disabled persons. The café opened in August 2015.

The IPI Kulmakuppila café is a compellingly designed, contemporary and comprehensively thought-out space that has a strong presence in the cityscape. The café elevates the entire neighbourhood and is closely linked with the evolution of Helsinki. The café also gives warmth and approachability to the rational 1960s’ building. “Important aspects of my work are high quality and details,” Majantie comments. The IPI Kulmakuppila project shows respect for the original materials and construction methods, and it is characterized by tailored approaches and crafts down to the smallest detail. The café has not a single mass-produced door or fixed furnishing. For example, the casings of building technology were inspired by the building’s original pillars and produced by carpenters. Majantie was responsible for the smallest details of the highly controlled entity including the tableware. The award was presented to her at the Clarion hotel in Helsinki on 15 December 2016.

Contact for further information and interviews:

Petra Majantie, Interior Architect SIO, tel. +358 40 553 2055 | petra(at)


Studio Petra Majantie Oy has been in operation since 1995. Over the years, interior architect Petra Majantie has served both public-sector and private-sector clients and produced exhibition design, restaurant interiors, workplace and retail space design, furniture, lighting fixtures and TV-studio props. In the early 2016, her interior design for the IPI Kulmakuppila café was awarded with an honorable mention in the City of Helsinki’s The Rose for Building competition.


For a better environment ­– Finnish Association of Interior Architects SIO

SIO is a professional association established in 1949. It disseminates information on the diverse professional skills of interior architects. Our goals are to improve the quality of the built environment and to promote cultural and ethical values as well as sustainable development. SIO has more than 700 members. SIO is a member of the Finnish Association of Designers Ornamo. Each year SIO recognizes one of its members with either the Furniture Designer of the Year award or the Interior Architect of the Year award.